Thursday, March 24, 2011

Update on Deoderant

Last time I posted I wrote about how I was trying out some homemade deodorant that consisted of baking soda, cornstarch, and coconut oil. After trying it out for a few weeks and using it off and on I have come to my verdict. I do like the deodorant, I cannot use it full time though. The cost aspect of it keeps me using it as often as possible because it is super cheap to make and very little goes a long way. My only issue with it is, it just can't keep up with me. I don't want to get too graphic but on a normal basis, I use prescription strength deodorant, if not I smell like a bag of onions. I use this deodorant full time on the weekends but when I am at work and running around a whole lot, I use my regular deodorant. If you are not like me and do not sweat like an Olympian, then I say you should give this deodorant a try. It smells like sweet coconuts and is a very light scent. Its also easy on your wallet, and easy to apply if you melt the coconut oil down and add your other ingredients to it to form a soft paste to transfer to an deodorant stick. You have to let the mixture sit for a bit to harden before you can use it though, so just keep that mind.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Keep Moving

I have been beyond busy. I have been so busy that I worked out with my boss to only work 4 days a week instead of 5. I work longer days on the 4, only by an hour each, and I get Mondays off. I REALLY need it though. I have SO much on my to do list.

I have been stocking some things on my HC here and there, its going well. I am happy with the pace that it is moving. By the time summer roles around, I will be able to focus alot more time on my business. Right now though, school is #1, or at least it is suppose to be.

Anyways, on a frugal and crunchy side, tomorrow I will be trying out some homemade deodorant I mixed up. I only made a VERY small batch to try it out. I am trying to eat healthy and cut unnessary chemicals from my daily diet. I have been eating 3x as many fruits and veggies in the past 4 days then I have in months and it feels great. Keeping on that note, this is what I did:
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch OR Arrowroot powder
1 Tablespoon (melted) coconut oil
1 drop Tea Tree Oil
And MIX!

I put it in an old baby food jar. It seems like enough for up too 3 days by looking at it, maybe more. I will update tomorrow, wish me luck!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Crafty Sewing Mama Challenge Week 3

Ok, ok, so I skipped week two. I really wanted to participate but with my new store opening, it was a hectic week. So without further procrastination, here are my week 3 sewing challenge items. One of the themes chosen was, "Picture Perfect."

What are these, you ask? Well they are camera strap covers. They are padded with fusible fleece so they are oh-so squishy. I use this tutorial to make them. They are very simple to make and only take about 15 minutes each. I am gifting these to my best friend and boyfriend, they are both art majors and huge photography buffs. I made them each coffee cozies with these fabrics, and so I used the leftovers to make the straps. 

Oh and next week, Friday the 25th of February, I will be having my first REAL and OFFICIAL stocking. I will have some premade diapers along with some custom slots, so be sure to check it out

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I know I never got around too doing last weeks sewing challenge, so this week I am definitely going to be getting too it. I was a little overwhelmed this weekend with the tester orders, I didn't expect them to sell so quickly. I was also really bogged down with homework and that is more important than anything else. But here is a sample of some of my testers, I made two more, I just wanted to give you a peak!

Friday, February 11, 2011

First Stocking!

Okay so I posted my first stocking on HyenaCart just a few moments ago. I am looking for testers for my sized side snapping diaper. I will be stocking other items this weekend too! Check it out!